When Discomfort Drives Dreams: Navigating Life's Uncomfortable Necessities


This blog is all about a recent episode of the Becoming Self-Made podcast, hosted by myself, Tracy Pleschourt, and my daughter, Gracie. In this episode, we dive deep into the role discomfort plays in fueling our biggest dreams and breakthroughs. If you haven’t tuned in yet, we encourage you to give it a listen—it’s packed with personal stories and valuable takeaways for navigating life’s uncomfortable yet necessary moments. The Unwelcome Interruption of Discomfort

Our conversations frequently explore the nuances and complexities of navigating life and work amid constantly changing environments. One of our latest discussions revolved around my need to frequently switch offices and the impact of background aesthetics. This sparked thoughts on how we adapt to new spaces and changing circumstances—a reflection on how discomfort can influence creativity and resilience.

Embracing Discomfort for Personal Growth

Discomfort often barges into our lives when it’s least expected, and it tends to linger longer than we’d like. Whether it’s dealing with impatience on long-term projects or navigating unexpected delays with my various vendors across China, Germany, and the Philippines, I’ve learned that discomfort is an unavoidable part of achieving big dreams.

Patience, in particular, is its own form of discomfort. I’ve spent a lot of time self-coaching to cultivate more patience, but resisting impatience actually stunted my growth at times. Learning to reconcile with discomfort—allowing myself to experience impatience and frustration as part of the process—was a breakthrough. By sitting with uncomfortable emotions instead of avoiding them, I’ve come to realize that discomfort is often a sign that we are on the verge of something transformative.

The Implications of Impatience

Impatience can manifest in various ways, leading to worry, confusion, and self-doubt. The key takeaway is that impatience, if managed wisely, can fuel resilience. When working on projects with vendors worldwide, I’ve had to adapt and evolve my strategies to accommodate unexpected delays. This iterative approach has often revealed unexpected benefits and insights that only emerged because of the very discomfort I wanted to avoid.

Lessons from the Pickleball Court :)

On a lighter note, our podcast also touches on recreational passions like Pickleball. Competitive play, much like life’s undertakings, teaches us to handle both victory and defeat with grace. These games can mirror personal struggles with discomfort, demonstrating how resilience and adaptability play out both on and off the court.

Relationship Dynamics and Public Projection

Gracie and I often witness varied interpersonal dynamics, like a couple’s contentious behavior on the Pickleball court. Such uncomfortable interactions serve as reminders of the critical importance of effective communication and support in relationships. Observing these dynamics offers valuable insights into our own relational habits and responses, encouraging self-reflection and growth.

Unveiling Personal Testimonials

One heartwarming encounter Gracie recently shared was an unexpected recognition from a follower who found value in her advice. This moment underscored the impact of our efforts and the broader influence of relatable, lived experiences. When we’re willing to share our own journeys, discomfort and all, we give others permission to embrace their own imperfect paths toward growth.

Venturing into New Beginnings

As we adapt and grow, our environments often evolve too. Recently, Gracie has been exploring the idea of moving into a new home—a journey that brings its own mix of excitement and discomfort. Each new beginning, no matter how thrilling, comes with its own share of growing pains, reminding us that dreams worth pursuing will almost always require stepping into unfamiliar territory.


Reflection on "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives"

And then, of course, there are the not-so-serious conversations that keep things fun. We somehow found ourselves discussing Secret Lives of Mormon Wives—because, why not? It’s a reality show that’s surprisingly relatable and offers an unfiltered look at human behavior, minus the usual excuses like alcohol. We love dissecting these shows for a good laugh and a bit of light-hearted analysis. Our podcast is always a mix of education and entertainment—we take growth seriously, but we definitely don’t take ourselves too seriously!

The Takeaway: Discomfort is a Skill

Cultivating the skill to sit with discomfort yet persist through it is invaluable. Recognizing this dynamic allows us to continue onward even when things get tough. To everyone feeling weighed down by impatience or frustration, offer yourself the grace to recognize these moments as essential parts of your journey. Embrace them, and keep moving forward, knowing that each moment of discomfort is bringing you closer to your dreams.

Join us next week on the Becoming Self-Made podcast for episode 64, where we will continue exploring and sharing our journey toward becoming self-made.